Pie Making, Boy-Catching, & My 2014 Bucket List

This year has been full of many, many ups and downs. Probably many more ups and than anything else. But hallelujah for a new year, a fresh start, and the chance to experience the latest adventure within the fabric of life. Maybe it’s just because I spent the evening wrapped in a cable-knit sweater, sipping peppermint tea, & watching a romantic mid-nineties tragedy set on the Outer Banks (North Carolina’s finest peninsula) but I couldn’t help ponder how I would approach this up-coming year if it was my last. Now don’t think for a moment I’m planning on dropping in on the pearly gates, but let me be honest, my life is not my own & I have absolutely no idea if I will live to see 21. I hope I do, but I also hope I live this upcoming year like I haven’t the faintest clue.

I want to tell people about Jesus with a passionate zeal & I want to see Jesus soften their hearts & open their eyes before my very own.

Road trips have always intrigued me, especially those that involve camping in the wilderness and drinking crisp water from mountain streams while catchy folk tunes twitter about from sketchy portable speakers.

I was given a pie book for Christmas, at my own request. I love making pies and I’m not half bad, but I plan on becoming an excellent pie maker/baker/creator. Not only do good pie-baking women catch good pie-eating husbands, they keep them.

Latte art. The past few months have been a bit of a genesis for me, into the art of being a barista (which is actually the Italian word for a bartender). I’ve been adapting to a new seasonal job at the London Tea Room and despite my crazy ability to brew ten pots of different tea at the same time, I’m still struggling to make lattes look desirable.

I want to successfully grow something. Maybe lavender. Possibly mint. In my bedroom by the window come Spring. Oh Spring, please come.

And mostly, I want to love people with a love not easily practiced. The hardest, dirtiest, most beautiful love.

I’m sure as the days roll on by I will find myself adding to this list, but I want to encourage each and every one of you to live like 2014 is your final year on earth. Live with love.